
Lymm Golf Club

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Child Protection Policy


  • A child’s welfare is paramount and Lymm Golf Club will take all reasonable measures to provide and maintain a safe and caring environment.
  • All children, regardless of age, gender, ability, disability, racial origin, religious belief or sexual orientation have a right to enjoy sport safely, free from all forms of abuse or poor practice and to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Children should have the confidence to rely upon representatives of Lymm Golf Club, (Staff, PGA professionals and volunteers), and to be able to trust them, whatever the circumstances.
  • All those working with children are expected to set a good example to the children in their charge.
  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse, poor practice or inappropriate behaviour, such as bullying, harassment, neglect, mistreatment or violence will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

Our Shared Responsibilities.

Adults – parents, volunteers, Junior Organisers, golf professionals, staff and Club members will be supported to understand their role and responsibility with regard to the duty of care and protection of young people.

  • Individuals will receive support through education and training and be aware of and understand best practice and how to manage any welfare or young person protection issues that may come to light.
  • Young people will be made aware of their own responsibilities and the support that is available for them.
  • The Management Committee has responsibility for ensuring that the policy and procedures are implemented, including taking any appropriate disciplinary action necessary.
  • The Club Welfare Officer has responsibility for responding to any allegations, concerns or child protection incidents, passing information to the appropriate National Governing Body Lead Child Protection Officer and informing the appropriate club staff and County Welfare Officer.
  • Parents have a responsibility to work together with the club in implementing procedures and providing their children with the necessary information to safeguard themselves.

Communication of the policy

This policy will be available for all members of the golf club view as it will be displayed on the notice board.

All parents shall receive a copy when their child joins as a member of the golf club. A signature will be required on the Junior Profile Form to confirm receipt.

Similarly all volunteers and PGA Professionals will be issued with a copy and will be required to sign to confirm receipt and that they have read and understood their rights and responsibilities.

Types of abuse

Abuse can occur and does occur both inside and outside sport. Indicators of a child being abused can be difficult to recognise. As a Club there is a duty of care to respond to inappropriate behaviour, poor practice as well as reporting suspicions, allegations or disclosures. Some children also abuse other children and there is growing evidence to suggest peer abuse is an increasing concern.

What constitutes abuse?

Physical, Sexual, Neglect, Emotional, Bullying, Grooming, Harassment, Sexting and Radicalisation.

  • Physical Abuse - May involve hitting, shaking , throwing. Results in tangible injuries e.g. head injuries, fractures internal injuries, burns, bruises or cuts.
  • Sexual Abuse - Defined as forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening.
  • Neglect - The persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs likely to result in the impairment of the child’s health or development.
  • Emotional Abuse - Defined as the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child so as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development.
  • Bullying - is the use of force, threat or coercion to abuse, intimidate or aggressively dominate others. The behaviour is often repeated and habitual.
  • Grooming - is when someone builds an emotional connection with a child to gain their trust for the purpose of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or trafficking.
  • Harassment - involves the receipt of unwanted and unwelcome words, deeds, actions, gestures, symbols or behaviour of a sexual nature that makes the recipient feel uncomfortable.
  • Sexting –  is the sending, receiving or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs or images primarily between mobile phones. It may also include the use of a computer or any digital device.
  • Radicalisation -  is a process by which the individual or a group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social or religious ideals and aspirations that reject or undermine the status quo.

Recruitment of volunteers

Any volunteers wishing to work with juniors from the date of this policy will be required to complete a personal details form.

All volunteers regularly working with juniors will be required to undergo an enhanced DBS check via EWGA. All PGA Professionals must go through the PGA.

The junior organiser will ensure this procedure is followed and copies of forms will be kept in the club office.

Training of volunteers

Anyone working regularly with juniors will be required to attend a Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop. The training will need to be reviewed every three years.

Codes of Conduct

All juniors, parents, staff, volunteers and PGA coaches working with juniors will be required to sign a code of conduct.

Child Welfare Officer

James Cleaver is the Lymm Golf Club CWO.

His contact details are, 07714 339947

The CWO will be responsible for recording all incidents, suspicions and allegations and will report to :-

Cheshire East Consultation Service 0300 123 5012 (option3)

ChECS Emergency Duty Team        0300 123 5022

Police 999- 101- 01244 350 000

NSPCC 0808 800 5000

Child Line 0800 1111

Emergency Procedures

Where there are juniors using facilities they shall be inducted what to do in cases of emergency.

Should there be an emergency whilst out on the course, juniors will be encouraged to have the following numbers programmed into their mobile phones.

Clubhouse 01925 755020 option 1

Pro shop 01925 755020 option 3

Permission will be granted for mobiles to be used on the course for emergencies only.

For first aid emergencies you should refer to the club’s health and safety policy and procedures.


Details of juniors shall be kept on file by the office, junior organiser and the PGA golf professional.

Photography/Video imaging

Where there are junior sessions (competitions/coaching) parental permission needs to be granted to use these two methods of imagery.

When there is an outside competition anyone wishing to take pictures must be registered with the organiser who will issue an official photographer badge.


Lymm Golf Club officials will not be responsible for organising transportation to away events. All parents will be required to organise this amongst themselves.Where a club official is a parent they will assume the role of a parent and not that of a club official.

Changing Rooms

Parents will be made aware that their children will be sharing the facilities where adults may get showered and changed.

Where a parent does not consent to their child accessing the changing facilities, it is their responsibility to ensure that their child does not use the facilities.

All adults must be cautious when showering/changing in front of juniors.

Supervision Ratios

Juniors will be supervised during all competitions and coaching sessions by at least one professional coach and a volunteer. Coaching ratios will be determined by the PGA professional in accordance with their session.

Late Collection Guidelines

In the event of a child not being collected 30 minutes after the agreed time emergency contacts will be used. A child will not be asked to provide an alternative number should the emergency numbers not be contactable.If after an hour the child has still not been collected and the emergency numbers are still uncontactable the local police shall be called. Whenever possible the child will not be left unattended but maybe located in the clubhouse.

Date of meeting to adopt this policy by the management.

Signed : Mrs C Roberts (Chairman LGC Council)

Date : January 2021

This policy will be reviewed every year or earlier should guidance or legislation change.

Latest Review 

Reviewed By: M.T.Seaton

Position at Club: Business Manager

Signed:  M T Seaton

Date: 2nd November 2021

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.